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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
BombSquad / feature-suggestions / The possibility of exchanging v2 account names using tickets
We can allow players to sell their V2 account names and purchase V2 account names using tickets; they can even auction them. This could potentially create a substantial business. I believe the ballistica website is a suitable platform for account name exchange and trading. If the previous idea is approved, this could function even more effectively. (edited)
⭐ 1
/home/era/gmt+3:30 12/19/2023 4:32 AM
this is NOT a healthy practice to have in any game (edited)
Yeah you are right
4:36 AM
Still looking for a solution to start a business in bomb squad
4:37 AM
Don't you want this?
4:37 AM
If not, I can stop thinking about it
/home/era/gmt+3:30 12/19/2023 4:38 AM
no because bombsquad isnt a life simulator or a game that runs on economies ran by players, its a party game (edited)
Even when trading is done by ticket?
4:45 AM
i got
Even when trading is done by ticket?
Temp [GMT -6] 12/19/2023 5:25 PM
The reason people sell accounts is for monetary gain; no one will want to sell their accounts for in-game tickets. And one of the main reasons a lot of companies blacklist account trading / selling in their ToS is because it damages the in-game monetization a lot, so... Yeah, this is generally a pretty bad thing to suggest.
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